It's that time of year again when we start thinking about those resolutions that we just can't keep. In the beginning we're all like 'Ya girl slay I got this, Imma go to the gym everyday and only eat salad and lose 10kgs in 2 weeks.' And when you don't you're all like 'This resolution stuff sux! Imma just eat cake for the rest of the year!' But what if we changed our thinking, took the pressure off and turned up the glow?

Instead of resolutions why not do the things that bring out your inner glow instead?

Example #1

Will eating a whole king sized chocolate bar while binging your favourite show bring out your inner glow?

Or will an early morning walk in the fresh air with your besties bring out your inner glow?

Female friends walking in nature


Example #2

Will joining the gossip train at work bring out your inner glow?

Or will finding something positive to say about your boss, co-worker, client or friend bring out your inner glow?

Co-workers gossiping about woman 

Example #3

Will seeing that guy or girl who only wants one thing from you bring out your inner glow?

Or will being more discerning about who you give your time...and energy to bring out your inner glow?

Woman discovers her boyfriend in cheating on dating app 

In my opinion new year's resolutions or intentions are not about having the best body, the most money or the flashest clothes. The new year is a good opportunity to reset your mind, body and soul so they align to your true purpose. And your true purpose is never material, it's about connecting to your higher self and truly being you. Now that may sound like crazy woo woo but if we just think about what brings out our inner glow then we are one step closer to who we're really supposed to be.

So shine bright in 2023. I can't wait to see your glow!

Woman bringing out her inner glow